Friday, 14 November 2014

Thursday, 6 November 2014

My breakfast & evening energy for a week now - good old banana ice cream ♡

Back 2 RAW

Mushroom-spinach salad, carrot-cuzzini salad and many others.. pure nourishment is just what I feel I need right now. Frankly, always. Well, it takes commitment that's all.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

More sandwiches. .

Hello green juice

I'm trying to not collect dust on my juicer. Bought a bunch of juicing ingredients for the week.
In here:
Green British apples

Raw mushroom sandwiches!

As burgers these don't fit into my mouth, so they became sandwiches. With some extra nice fillings!

The green stuff:
sprouted green lentils
lemon juice
black pepper
little celery
little salt

The red stuff:
lemon juice

What I put on top:
tomato slices
ice salad

I also rubbed salt and pepper on the mushrooms. Very tasty! Next time I'll have a go with raw burger steaks...

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Zucchini "pasta"

You need;

Zucchini sliced

Tomato sauce
400g chopped tomatoes
Red pepper
5cm celery
2 tblsp lemon juice
Black pepper
3 dates, soaked or fresh
Blend it up!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Epic banana ice cream

Bananas blended - that's it, heaven on earth

Loving brown rice..

Vegetable curry:
Red pepper
Carrot minced
Black pepper
Little salt
2tblsp sugar
Corn meal to thicken

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Own sweet chilli sauce

Because I use this so much to flavour my starch,  I decided to ditch the expensive store-bought products. Here we go!

Sweet chilli sauce NO salt NO oil NO garlic

1 cup water
1 cup rice vinegar
1 cup brown sugar
2 small red chillies
1 tblsp potato starch
1 tblsp water

Blend everything except the potato starch which you mix with the water. Boil in medium heat a couple minutes and then add the starch mixture stirring the mixture. Boil and let then cool down before canning.

Pure bananas smoothie, the best.

Edited with #aviary >

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Toxic banana

Again, noticing the difference between organic and pesticided flavour. I simply couldn't finish this banana it tasted so shitty!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014